THE LAW OF BELIEF The "law of belief" says that
whatever we believe with feeling becomes our reality. Our beliefs form a screen through which we see the entire world, and
we never allow any information that is inconsistent with our beliefs to pass through the screen. Even if we have beliefs that
are totally inconsistent with reality, because we believe them to be true, they become true for us.
The "law of expectations" is a powerful concept that says that whatever we expect with confidence becomes our own self-fulfilling
prophecy. People who enjoy high levels of accomplishment are continually talking to and about themselves as though they expect
things to work out well. Expectations have a powerful impact on our relationships with others, and they have a powerful impact
on what we become.
THE LAW OF ATTRACTION The "law of attraction" says that each human being is a living magnet,
that we radiate thought energy and that we invariably attract into our lives the people and circumstances that harmonize with
our dominant thoughts. If we wish to attract different people, different circumstances and different events, we have to change
the content of our conscious minds. We can dramatically improve the quality of our lives by taking control of our minds and
manufacturing beliefs and expectations consistent with what we want to happen in the future. Remember, what you think, you
(excerpts from the cassette course, "The Psychology of Achievement" by BRIAN TRACY )