Forget injuries. Never forget kindnesses. -Confucius
Those who cannot forgive others break the bridge over which they themselves must pass. -Confucius
Never does
the human soul appear so strong as when it forgoes revenge, and dares to forgive an injury. -E. H. Chapin
You need
to forgive others, That certainly is true. But just as important, You need to forgive YOU. (Anonymous)
concentrate so much on regretting the past that you neglect the present and cannot dream about the future. You'll find yourself
trapped in a vicious, never ending cycle from which there is no escape!
Remorse is a paralyzing emotion. Meet it head
on, deal with it, then let it go and get on with your life!
Do not use "yesterday" as a weapon to destroy your todays
and steal away your bright tomorrows!