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I Want to Live
Friday, 2 September 2005
UNDERCLASSMAN Starring Nick Cannon of
Topic: Movie Reviews

Not exactly the type of movie I normally go out of my way to see but I want to support Nick Cannon who is the young man who directed and starred in the "Can I Live" music video. The movie came out in theatres today.

Nick Cannon's "Can I Live" Video
Click on Link Next to the Small Photo on the Right.

"LA's youngest cop Tre Stokes (Nick Cannon) is about to get his biggest assignment: he must go undercover to break up a dangerous crime ring rooted in a upscale prep school. The deeper Tre goes the more dangerous and volatile the situation becomes. Fighting both his personal demons and the forces determined to take him down, he must risk everything to catch the ones closest to him."


Posted by neverevergiveup at 3:42 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 11 December 2005 12:34 AM PST
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Saturday, 27 August 2005
Topic: Musings

This is off-topic but I can't help but be excited. I entered my first writing contest last month and just found out that I have won 3rd Place!

It was the Summer 2005 24-Hour Short Story Contest. It took me 20 of those hours just to come up with a story idea. I turned it in just 15 minutes before the deadline. I felt like I was back in high school and completing an important assignment at the last possible minute (which is actually how I went about completing assignments when I was back in high school).


Posted by neverevergiveup at 5:16 AM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 27 August 2005 1:04 PM PDT
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Friday, 26 August 2005
One Boiled Frog and Several Fried Forest Fire Fighters
Topic: Outrageous

By the middle of the 1980's I was thinking that ten years later the world most surely would have went totally insane and evil would abound. Then came Y2K and the new millennium and it seemed like it wasn't near as bad as I thought it would be. Now I think I am like the frog that starts out in cold water and slowly is brought to a boil, never noticing the change in temperature enough to jump out and save his life. Millions of preborn babies being brutally killed - homes that have been in families for generations being awarded to local government because the luxury homes or shopping malls built in their place will bring in more tax revenue - farmers being denied irrigation water because a bottom feeding sucker fish (not even native to the area) might be disturbed - young adults fried to a crisp in a violent forest fire because the people in charge couldn't fill up the water transport helicopters in the local river because they might disturb an endangered fish.

What no one seemed to notice ...
was the ever widening gap ...
between the government and the people ...
And it became always wider ...
the whole process of its coming into being, was above all diverting, it provided an excuse not to think for people who did not want to think anyway ...
Nazism gave us some dreadful, fundamental things to think about ...
and kept us so busy with continuous changes and 'crises' and so fascinated ...
by the machinations of the 'national enemies', without and within, that we had no time to think about these dreadful things that were growing, little by little, all around us ...
Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, 'regretted', that unless one understood what the whole thing was in principle, what all these 'little measures' ...
must some day lead to, one no more saw it developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing ...
Each act ...
is worse than the last, but only a little worse. You wait for the next and the next. You wait for one great shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join you in resisting somehow. You don't want to act, or even talk, alone...
you don't want to go out of your way to make trouble ...
And it is not just fear ...
that restrains you, it is also genuine uncertainty ...
And you are an alarmist. You are saying that this must lead to this, and you can't prove it ...
But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That's the difficulty. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves, when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed...
You have accepted things you would not have accepted five years ago, a year ago, things your father ...
could never have imagined."

- Milton Sanford Mayer, "They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-1945" ( 1955, University of Chicago Press )

Posted by neverevergiveup at 5:07 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2005 1:16 PM PDT
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TWELVE WEEK OLD "TAP DANCING" FETUS - If they can dance, they can feel pain!
Topic: Musings

At 37 years old and three months pregnant, my doctor wanted me to have an amniocentesis test to make sure my baby didn't have Down Syndrome, since the pregnancy was considered by him to be high risk because I was so "old". I declined.

About this time, myself and several other mothers of young daughters taking tap dancing class had decided to form a class of our own. The instructor, fresh up from performing at Disneyland, was elated at the prospect (we won the main award at a regional competition over all the different age groups and categories). Good times...

They did an ultrasound when the fetus (Caleb) was about twelve weeks along - he was doing some sort of wild Irish jig. I figured that due to all the dance practice I was putting in he had decided to dance along with me. Caleb was about the size of a walnut but he was already "Lord of the Dance". I would think that if a person is developed enough to do a lively "tap dance", their nervous system is also developed enough to feel pain. Just an uneducated guess.

Posted by neverevergiveup at 8:55 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, 26 August 2005 9:42 PM PDT
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Saturday, 20 August 2005
Because there's still some good left in the world, Frodo, and it's worth fighting for.
Topic: Honorable Mention

OMAHA - Joseph W. Moylan, a longtime Douglas County judge, has died at the age of 73. He served 21 years on the bench after his appointment by then Gov. J.J. Exon, in 1973.

In 1993, Judge Moylan resigned rather than rule on an abortion notification waiver for a pregnant teenager. Under the law, a girl 17 or younger had to notify a parent or guardian that she intended to have an abortion, or she could petition a judge for a waiver.

Gretchen Moylan said her husband had reviewed the law, and his notes said: "By the time I was assigned a case in August 1993 ... I knew what I had to do." After 21 years as a judge, he quit.

Doing so drew national attention. Letters and other responses came from across the country, and awards came from Boys Town, Metro Right to Life, a Jesuit honor society and from other organizations.

Moylan's decision was driven by his moral convictions, said attorney Susan Ann Koenig of Omaha on Monday, who represented the young woman.

Martin Cannon, an Omaha attorney who has represented anti-abortion groups, said his friend Moylan feared that had he waived the notification, she would have carried through with the abortion. "The whole reason she's in court is because she's going down that road," Cannon said Monday. "It's simply a given."

Said Moylan at the time: "My personal belief is that someday we'll all meet at the final judgment and give an accounting of our lives. I've got a lot of things I wish I didn't have to account for, and I don't care to add something like this to the list."

After his resignation, the judge became involved in anti-abortion activities. In the summer of 1999, for example, he and his wife helped organize a prayer vigil near Dr. LeRoy Carhart's Abortion & Contraceptive Clinic office in Bellevue.

Posted by neverevergiveup at 5:24 PM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 20 August 2005 5:28 PM PDT
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"Selling Their Soul for Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll" or Something Like That...
Topic: Musings

What's up with how many Pro-Choice/Pro-Death politicians started out being unequivocally against abortion and then switched sides of the debate?

AL GORE: In letters to his constituents, he wrote: "It is my deep personal conviction that abortion is wrong. I hope that some day we will see the current outrageously large number of abortions drop sharply." (Letters from Sept. 15, 1983, August 22, 1984,) In a May 26, 1987 letter to a constituent he wrote: "During my 11 years in congress, I have consistently opposed federal funding for abortions. In my opinion, it is wrong to spend federal funds for what is arguably taking of a human life. Let me assure you that I share your belief that innocent human life must be protected, and I am committed to furthering this goal."

RICHARD GEPHARDT: "Life is the division of human cells, a process that begins with conception.... The [Supreme Court's abortion] ruling was unjust, and it is incumbent on the Congress to correct the injustice." Mr. Gephardt wrote in 1984, "I have always been supportive of pro-life legislation. I intend to remain steadfast on this issue.... I believe that the life of the unborn should be protected at all costs."
In 1987, however, Mr. Gephardt decided to run for president, and he soon announced that he had discontinued his support for pro-life legislation. Specifically, he informed the National Right to Life Committee, "I do not support any Constitutional Amendment pertaining to the legality of abortion."

EDWARD KENNEDY: "While the deep concern of a woman bearing an unwanted child merits consideration and sympathy, it is my personal feeling that the legalization of abortion on demand is not in accordance with the value which our civilization places on human life. Wanted or unwanted, I believe that human life, even at its earliest stages, has certain rights which must be recognized -- the right to be born, the right to love, the right to grown old. "When history looks back to this era it should recognize this generation as one which cared about human beings enough to halt the practice of war, to provide a decent living for every family and to fulfill its responsibility to its children from the very moment of conception."

BILL CLINTON: In a letter to Arkansas Right to Life, September 26, 1986: "I am opposed to abortion and to government funding of abortions. We should not spend state funds on abortions because so many people believe abortion is wrong."

JESSE JACKSON: "What happens to the mind of a person, and the moral fabric of a nation, that accepts the aborting of the life of a baby without a pang of conscience? What kind of a person and what kind of a society will we have 20 years hence if life can be taken so casually? It is that question, the question of our attitude, our value system, and our mind-set with regard to the nature and worth of life itself that is the central question confronting mankind. Failure to answer that question affirmatively may leave us with a hell right here on earth."

Posted by neverevergiveup at 4:39 PM PDT
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Bloggers Imprisoned, Tortured and Killed for Expressing Opinions! Who's Next?
Topic: Outrageous

Considering this is actually happening to bloggers in various parts of the world, I guess censorship or having your blog flagged for "hate speech" doesn't seem quite so bad. Well, actually, it does seem really bad to me. Freedom to express conflicting opinions is important. Learning that votes from a few disgruntled people who disagree with the views I express on my blog can convince Google to change my blog to "unlisted" is frightening.

It took me forever to figure out how I could get a "controversial" pro-life book of fiction such as mine (The Grim Shadow) published. I looked up categories in the Writers Market. There were fiction categories covering every topic under the sun (the occult, alternative lifestyles, erotica, experimental, feminist, etc.) but no category that my book would fit into. In non-fiction there was a listing for conservative books, but once I got into fiction I couldn't find any such listing. I've been told my story would make a great movie. Yes, it would. But will it ever be made into one? Yeh, when pigs fly.

To top it off, now I am getting paranoid. My book is taking longer to get to market than was predicted and I am afraid that some group of disgruntled people who have somehow gotten a bootlegged copy of my manuscript have figured out how to stop the publishing process indefinitely with their powerful votes. Nah... I'm sure I'm only imagining things. It's been a long day...(and I may be having illusions of grandeur)


The Committee to Protect Bloggers is devoted to the protection of bloggers around the world. In a host of countries around the world bloggers are routinely imprisoned for their activities. The blogging community should not leave the responsibility for their well-being in others' hands.

The Committee has four primary spheres of activity.

CPB will serve as a clearinghouse for information on incarcerated members of our community, as well as those whose lives have been taken from them because of their enthusiasm for the free exchange of information that blogging allows.

CPB will serve as a pressure group to force unrecalcitrant governments to free imprisoned bloggers, and make restitution for tortured and murdered ones.

CPB will bring to bear the formidable communicative power of the blogosphere to keep pressure on governments to stop arresting and abusing bloggers and to mitigate or reverse measures designed to restrict speech.

CPB will act as direct agents in negotiations to free imprisoned bloggers.
We are driven by our enthusiasm for knowledge, by our affection for the possibilities of blogging, by the love we have for our fellow bloggers and by our belief in the free exchange of ideas.

We are guided by Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

We acknowledge the good work being done by the Committee to Protect Journalists, Reporters Without Borders and Bloggers Without Borders. There will be some overlap between our group and theirs.

However, several things set us apart and give us a distinct focus, allowing us to become a valuable addition to the global free-speech community.

We are concerned primarily, though not exclusively, with the well-being of the bloggers themselves. Press freedom is extremely valuable and will be agitated for, but our primary concern is keeping bloggers alive and free.
We are concerned for them as bloggers, even if some are also journalists or activists.
We are a group of bloggers, communicating via blogs, about other bloggers. We have some understanding of our fellows that most other groups do not. We also have immediate access to the communications power of the blogosphere.
As soon as we secure 501(c)3 status and become an official non-profit, we will use this space to solicit donations and free-will membership fees, as well as corporate memberships.

In the meantime, please send us all the information you can on bloggers who are, or have been, imprisoned or otherwise the vicitims of state-sanctioned oppression.

If there is something else you feel you would like to do for the Committee, please suggest away.


Posted by neverevergiveup at 3:55 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 21 August 2005 8:18 AM PDT
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Wednesday, 17 August 2005
Back to School POLITICKLE Madness!
Topic: Politickles

Fully formed are your heart, soul, and mind
With the facts of a faith well defined.
Now we send you to college,
Where a secular "knowledge"
Will ensure that belief's undermined.

Students headed for college each fall
Have to keep their opinions in thrall:
It's essential to be
Perceived as "PC,"
So they try not to speak up at all.

Socialism is dead!
Done in, the indomitable Red!
Or so it would seem,
But in academe
One had better check under one's bed.

The student goes to college
And an education forges,
But I fed too much
On knowledge and such,
And now my brain disgorges:
Within the dark and dismal class,
You'll no longer spot my features.
My notes I burned,
And since I've learned
What I never could from teachers.

No religious beliefs were expressed
In his valedictorian address,
But he feigned an "achoo!"
And his classmates on cue
In unison shouted "God bless!"

Politickles by F.R. Duplantier

Posted by neverevergiveup at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 18 August 2005 3:31 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 16 August 2005
"The Execution of Terri Schiavo" by Patrick J. Buchanan
Topic: Pro-Life Clippings

WORLD NET DAILY: Terri Schiavo was executed by the state of Florida. Her crime? She was so mentally disabled as to be unworthy of life in the judgment of Judge George Greer. The execution was carried out at Woodside Hospice. An autopsy will reveal that Terri's vital organs shut down for lack of food and water. She did not die of the brain damage she suffered 15 years ago. She was put to death.

To read the entire article by Patrick J. Buchanan click on the link below.

NEWSMAX.COM Terri Schiavo Execution

Photo: Terri Schiavo's Mother and Father

Posted by neverevergiveup at 1:31 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 16 August 2005 1:42 PM PDT
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Sunday, 14 August 2005
UNHOLY HARVEST Are We Truly a "Savage Nation"?
Topic: Pro-Life Clippings

NEWSMAX.COM - Michael Savage

...Do not be a "good German” while the boxcars roll to the baby-killing factories of death. This is your Holocaust.

Read Entire NEWSMAX.COM Article by Michael Savage

Posted by neverevergiveup at 4:03 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 October 2005 2:39 PM PDT
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"I WANT TO LIVE" Captivating Music Video by Right Brothers
Topic: Honorable Mention

...Momma, I want to grow.
Momma, I want to breathe,
Just give me the chance
To be all that I can be...

...Momma, I want to grow
And I want you to know
That I can feel your heart beat...

...That voice inside your head
You can't ignore,
Momma, that's me...

...And if you only knew
How strong my heart beats...

...Just give me the chance
I've got so much to give.
Momma, I want to live....

Click on "Extras" to watch full lenth music video.

Posted by neverevergiveup at 8:51 AM PDT
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Saturday, 13 August 2005
INFECTIOUS WASTE Aborted Babies Sent to be Processed Into Innocuous Solid Waste
Topic: Outrageous

One man's junk is another man's treasure. Nothing could be more true. Aborted babies labelled infectious and then sent to be processed, steam sterilized into an innocuous solid waste safe for landfill disposal...

During a short period of time each year on my way down a main thoroughfare I drive past a church lawn covered with thousands of tiny pink and blue flags fluttering gently in the breeze. Each flag is anchored into the ground on a tiny stick, a flower garden of sorts watered with the tears of the compassionate souls that implanted them there in commemoration of the babies that have been aborted the previous year. What a eloquent gesture.

One man's junk is truly another man's treasure.

* * * * * * * * * * *

WICHITA, KS – Operation Rescue has learned that the remains of pre-born babies aborted at Wichita’s lesser-known abortion mill, Central Women’s Services, are being dumped in the Johnson County Landfill near Kansas City, turning the private dump site into a graveyard for perhaps hundreds of pre-born children.

Sidewalk Counselor Jennifer McCoy encountered couriers from Engineered Recovery Systems, Inc. (ERS) on Monday, July 18, 2005. She has told Operation Rescue that she witnessed one of the couriers removing a box labeled as infectious waste from the abortion mill. The courier indicated to Mrs. McCoy that he understood the contents of the box to be the remains of aborted babies.

Mrs. McCoy believes that the container could have held approximately 24 aborted children. “There were about 24 abortions last Wednesday at Central,” she said.

Abortionist Sherman Zaremski, 73, a resident of Johnson County, travels to Wichita every other Wednesday to abort babies at the Central mill. But what happened to those babies had remained a mystery until now. The babies are processed, returned to Johnson County, and dumped not far from the Zaremski home.

According to the ERS website, infectious waste, such as the bodies of aborted babies, is first taken to their plant located at 1021 S. Spencer in Newton, Kansas, where it is “processed.”

“The primary treatment technology used is Autoclave which processes potentially infectious waste through steam sterilization into an innocuous solid waste safe for landfill disposal into ERS’s affiliate company, Johnson County Landfill in Shawnee Mission, KS.” []

The Johnson County Landfill is a privately owned dumpsite located at 17599 Holiday Dr. in Shawnee Mission, Kansas. Appointments are required for entry to the landfill.

“This company is not only profiting from the shedding of innocent blood, but it literally treating the babies as if they were garbage,” said OR president Troy Newman. “It should shock the good people of Newton that a business in their home town is displaying such callous disregard for human life.”

Operation Rescue urges men and women of conscience to contact ERS and ask them to stop their business association with Central Women’s Services.

Engineered Recovery Systems. Inc.
Mike Lettner
1021 S. Spencer, Newton, KS 67114

Posted by neverevergiveup at 11:06 AM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 13 August 2005 11:25 AM PDT
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"It's refreshing to look at the abortion debate through a different looking glass. Things that we've grown accustomed to seem so 'odd' or 'grotesque' when we examine them within the context of your work. Really got the cogs working... This was an excellent piece! Keep writing." (PollGear Feedback)

That feedback is for The Grim Shadow: A Modern Day Fable which is currently in the process of being published and should be available in September. I poured all my outrage, passion and experience in the telling of the story. I was trying to give a voice to the thousands of babies that are killed each day inside their mother's womb or as they are being delivered.

"In The Dimension of Barbarik there are six Clans: The True Believers, The Idealists, The Power Hungry, The Skeptics, The Indifferent and the Truly Persecuted. Nanah Cub is a True Believer with a promise seared into his heart's memory - he will be there to greet Tare Ree upon her entrance into Barbarik. Meanwhile, The Executioner has been patiently lurking in the grim shadow that has crept insidiously over The Dimension of Barbarik, making it a race against time to see who gets to Tare Ree first. A story packed full of action, suspense, betrayal, terrorism and a dubious political election, The Grim Shadow is at its core a parable of courage, loyalty and love."

The Grim Shadow: A Modern Day Fable

Posted by neverevergiveup at 10:05 AM PDT
Updated: Monday, 10 October 2005 9:30 AM PDT
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Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
Topic: Musings

"Crazed Madman Goes on Frenzied Rampage in Crowded Hospital Nursery!"

OK, so now I will be kicked off the blog list for a false headline and for committing reckless redundancy. But this is what I do not understand. If a madman really did commit such a crime, the entire world would be outraged. I cannot fathom the logic in saying that it is OK for abortion clinics to "go on a frenzied rampage" each day. If a baby is born premature at 8 months it is then protected by law. But if it is killed inside it's mother's womb at 8 months it is an acceptable act. Does not compute.

I believe many pro-life advocates carry a trauma within their soul, day in - day out, not being able to shake off the actual horror of what's going on in abortion facilities, day in - day out.

By the way, were you for just an instant more shocked by this headline than you are by the daily knowledge of the atrocities that are being carried out in abortion clinics across our land? Just wondering... I would have been - just for an instant.

I wrote The Grim Shadow: A Modern Day Fable in response to this outrage.

Posted by neverevergiveup at 4:59 AM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 13 August 2005 5:42 AM PDT
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Friday, 12 August 2005
Topic: Pro-Life Clippings

Track 1:
Caught On Tape - An Actual
Partial Birth Abortion

If drawings of a partial-birth abortion turn your blood as cold as ice, wait until you hear Martin Haskell, the inventor of partial birth abortion, narrate a film of an actual late term abortion.

What could be more shocking than listening to a child being killed as the abortionist coldly describes the process? How about hearing the audience applaud when the suction machine ends the baby's life.

In addition, you will hear numerous other clips from this National Abortion Federation conference where abortion supporters admit and even laugh about many of the lies that they tell. Now pro-life organizations have a tool that shows the reality of abortion and this time no one can claim that the pro-life movement is exaggerating. After all, these are their own words.

Track 2:
Dr. Alan Keyes
Independence Day Speech

One thing isn't debatable in the abortion battle. Alan Keyes is the most articulate defender of the right to life in America and this speech will light a fire in the heart of all who respect this nation's founding principles.

Dr. Keyes destroys the pro-choice position with pro-life arguments rooted in America's heritage of respect for God as our creator and the source of our rights.

Dr. Alan Keyes explains why being pro-life is the American thing to do. Dr. Keyes sounds a warning to our country that all Americans need to hear and you won't want to miss a moment!


Posted by neverevergiveup at 9:25 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 21 September 2005 8:34 AM PDT
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Aborted Baby Graveyard Discovered In Kansas
Topic: Pro-Life Clippings

WICHITA, KS – Operation Rescue has learned that the remains of pre-born babies aborted at Wichita’s lesser-known abortion mill, Central Women’s Services, are being dumped in the Johnson County Landfill near Kansas City, turning the private dump site into a graveyard for perhaps hundreds of pre-born children.

Sidewalk Counselor Jennifer McCoy encountered couriers from Engineered Recovery Systems, Inc. (ERS) on Monday, July 18, 2005. She has told Operation Rescue that she witnessed one of the couriers removing a box labeled as infectious waste from the abortion mill. The courier indicated to Mrs. McCoy that he understood the contents of the box to be the remains of aborted babies.

Mrs. McCoy believes that the container could have held approximately 24 aborted children. “There were about 24 abortions last Wednesday at Central,” she said.

Abortionist Sherman Zaremski, 73, a resident of Johnson County, travels to Wichita every other Wednesday to abort babies at the Central mill. But what happened to those babies had remained a mystery until now. The babies are processed, returned to Johnson County, and dumped not far from the Zaremski home.

According to the ERS website, infectious waste, such as the bodies of aborted babies, is first taken to their plant located at 1021 S. Spencer in Newton, Kansas, where it is “processed.”

“The primary treatment technology used is Autoclave which processes potentially infectious waste through steam sterilization into an innocuous solid waste safe for landfill disposal into ERS’s affiliate company, Johnson County Landfill in Shawnee Mission, KS.” []

The Johnson County Landfill is a privately owned dumpsite located at 17599 Holiday Dr. in Shawnee Mission, Kansas. Appointments are required for entry to the landfill.

“This company is not only profiting from the shedding of innocent blood, but it literally treating the babies as if they were garbage,” said OR president Troy Newman. “It should shock the good people of Newton that a business in their home town is displaying such callous disregard for human life.”

Operation Rescue urges men and women of conscience to contact ERS and ask them to stop their business association with Central Women’s Services.

Engineered Recovery Systems. Inc.
Mike Lettner
1021 S. Spencer, Newton, KS 67114

Posted by neverevergiveup at 9:11 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2005 8:37 PM PDT
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SHOCKING OUTCOME Planned Parenthood Fuming!
Topic: Musings

I have much respect for the Rhode Island pharmacist who recently refused to fill a prescription for the morning after pill because of moral beliefs, but what really astonishes me is her employer's statements. Eileen Howard Dunn, vice president of corporate communications and community relations for CVS, said that CVS supports pharmacists acting on their moral beliefs by refusing to fill such orders as they direct customers to another pharmacy that can fill the prescription. She indicated that even though their policy is to fill prescriptions for all customers in a timely manner and to make sure their needs are met and that they are satisfied, that as an employer, CVS also accommodates a sincerely held religious conviction that may prevent a pharmacist from dispensing a certain prescription. Bravo, CVS.

The customer was temporarily denied the morning after pill drug last Friday night. The pharmacist offered to send the prescription to another 24 hour CVS and also told the woman she had the option of returning the morning after when another pharmacist would be on duty. The customer returned the next day and filled the order.

Of course the actions angered Planned Parenthood officials who called what happened "criminal." Kathy Kushnir, vice president of external affairs for Planned Parenthood of Rhode Island, said that If a woman presents a legal prescription, it must be filled at that time -- period, end of story. Cordy indicated the state board would investigate the matter even though no complaint has been filed.

I'm thinking that honorable mention should be given to the woman with the prescription that was temporarily unfilled for apparently respecting the pharmacist's beliefs enough to not file a formal complaint. Although I wonder how Planned Parenthood found out about the incident in the first place.

Learn about "the pill" taken by many Barbarikians in The Grim Shadow: A Modern Day Fable

Posted by neverevergiveup at 5:51 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, 12 August 2005 2:13 PM PDT
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Thursday, 11 August 2005
URGENT GLOBAL ALERT! Pro-Abortion UN Speaker at World Youth Day
Topic: Pro-Life Clippings

Dear Colleague,

I write to you on a matter of grave urgency.

It has come to my attention that a high-ranking pro-abortion bureaucrat from the United Nations will be addressing the opening ceremony of World Youth Day in Cologne, Germany in a few days.

The speaker is Eveline Herfkens and she heads the UN Millennium Campaign. Ms. Herfkens comes from Holland where she held many high-ranking governmental positions including the Netherlands Minister for Development Cooperation.


During her term there, Ms. Herfkens supported the notorious abortion ship that drops anchor off the shores of pro-life countries and performs illegal abortions. Herfkens was quoted as saying the ship a concret answer to an awful problem. She also suggested that the Dutch government financially support the abortion ship.

What in the world is this woman doing speaking anywhere near World Youth Day?


Hefkens runs the Millennium Development Campaign of the United Nations, which is problem enough. The Millennium Development Goals, which are about to be approved by the UN will include a call for "reproductive rights"' which includes the right to abortion.

We must stop her appearance at World Youth Day. You can help but only if you act right now! Time is running out.

Please send the following message to Cardinal Meisner of Cologne who is the president of the WYD Diocesan Management Board. Cardinal Meisner likely does not even know of this woman's dubious pedigree, so we urge you to be nice to him when you write.

Here is where to write:

Here is what you should say (just cut and paste and add whatever personal touch you see fit, but be polite and respectful.


Dear Cardinal Meisner:

A pro-abortion speaker from the UN named Eveline Herfkens is speaking to World Youth Day in support of the Mellennium Development Goals. Among other things, Ms. Herfkens supported the abortion ship that prowls the waters of pro-life countries intending to commit illegal aborions. We urge you to cancel her invitation. Her presence will sully this grand event.

Yours sincerely,

Sign your name, or not...but be polite!!!


World Youth Day is too important an event to be sullied by the presence of pro-abortion UN bureaucrats. We must act globally to stop this now. Please act immediately to stop this outrage. Act now.

Yours sincerely,

Austin Ruse
Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute

Posted by neverevergiveup at 1:19 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 11 August 2005 2:01 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 10 August 2005
Topic: Pro-Life Clippings

In April of 1997, Life Dynamics began an undercover investigation that eventually exposed the hidden industry that markets body parts harvested from babies killed by elective abortions. (Most of the information we gathered was provided by people working inside of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic located in Overland Park, Kansas.)

The Marketing of Aborted Babies is a thorough report on that investigation and contains data, analyses and documentation not previously released to the public. This book contains exact copies of baby body parts orders and price lists. These documents were not altered in any way other than to assign them page numbers and size them for this publication. This book reveals how this system works, exposes the baby parts money trail and presents undeniable proof that these abortions - including the late-term ones - are being done on perfectly healthy babies.

Although federal law, and many state laws, prohibit the sale of fetal tissue or body parts, abortion industry profiteers have devised a way to circumvent these laws, in order to capitalize on the growing market for this material. The abortion industry claims that this scheme is legal because, technically speaking, no one is actually paying for body parts. But evidence presented in The Marketing of Aborted Babies suggests that, in reality, the "site fees" and "retrieval fees" that change hands in these transactions are nothing more than proxy payments for the sale of baby parts. Whatever the actual costs are to pluck the eyes out of a baby, or chop off its leg, keep in mind that the issue is whether someone is profiting from the sale of baby parts.

The tissue logs we obtained reveal that one baby can be chopped up and sold to many buyers, resulting in increased profits for the traffickers in baby parts. Still, pro-lifers must not allow the discussions about the marketing of baby parts to be hijacked by a focus on money. The main point is not the price that an eye, a brain or heart is sold for, but that a helpless child had to be killed in order to obtain these parts. The documents in this book will remove any uncertainty that the marketing of baby body parts begins with the intentional destruction of a living human being.

Finally, some people assumed that this fiendish practice ceased following our expos?, but nothing can be further from the truth. Our investigation did receive national attention on the ABC News program "20/20", which was followed by a U.S. House of Representatives hearing on this matter. However, special interests within the two main political parties conspired to bury this issue and the evidence was never even considered. Nothing was ever done to curtail this grisly business and the sale of baby body parts from abortion clinics in the United States continues to this day.


Posted by neverevergiveup at 2:26 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 10 August 2005 2:58 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 9 August 2005
"CAN I LIVE...CAN I LIVE" Song is Stunning Pro-Life Witness
Topic: Honorable Mention

"Just think...Just pause for one second. Let me plead my case...Mommy, I don't like this clinic. Hopefully you make the right decision and don't go with the knife incision...If I could talk I'd say to you,

Can I Live...Can I Live

...She let me live.
I love life and I love my mother for giving me life. We all need to appreciate life...Thanks for listenin', Thanks for listenin', Momma.
Thanks for listenin'."

Listen to Nick Cannon's "Can I Live"

Watch The Video: "Can I Live"
(click on link next to small photo on right)
It's a visual you won't soon forget.
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Read Article: Rapper's 'Can I Live' stirs emotions.

Posted by neverevergiveup at 3:29 PM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 13 August 2005 12:06 PM PDT
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